IP packet filters can come in very handy when trying to isolate network related issues. Their use can help you focus on the specific systems or protocols you are trying to debug. Distinct Network Monitor allows you to create and set powerful IP packet filters. When used at capture time, IP filters have effect on both the packet capture as well as on the Statistics gathered. So, for example, if you wish to run statistics for the longest period possible and are trying to track down specific issues related to specific traffic types such as HTTP, then you could set a filter at capture time to capture statistics only related to HTTP traffic.
On a packet capture that was previously taken, you may also apply an IP packet filter to a previously saved trace file to view only the filtered packets from that file. In this case the filter will only have effect on the packet capture and not on the statistics displayed in Network Monitor.
For filtered views of statistics gathered you need to use the ReportBuilder to create reports containing only the information you wish to review.
IP Packet filters are a powerful tool to detect network problems fast and accurately. For example, IP filters can be written to capture all broadcast packets going out on a segment to quickly identify the origin of the majority of the broadcast packets.
Whichever method of filtering you use, you must first create your packet filters. Distinct Network Monitor allows you to define IP packet filters in two ways:
- from built-in templates to quickly customize commonly used filters (see left screenshot)
- through the use of advanced expressions to build precision tuned filters for when you need to find a needle in a haystack (see right screenshot)
IP Packet Filters can be used to avoid collection of unnecessary data: if a filter is set before a capture is started, only packets matching the filter criteria will be captured. Once a capture has been completed, one or more filters may be applied in order to locate a specific set of packets.
The Distinct Network Monitor is shipped with some IP Filter examples as well as built-in templates for most filtering needs.